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How to find your way in a sea of “PERFECT MOMS”

Wed, December 04, 2019 7:55 PM | Anonymous member

Everywhere you look, there is a mom doing things “better” (or so we think), or has all of her stuff together on Instagram, or has a much cleaner house then you do, or cooks amazing looking meals every night according to Facebook, and you are lucky if you have dinner on the table before 8 pm. (Who's with me?!) In case you are wondering, I am the latter. I realized about 6 months ago that I need to 100% not care what others think of me (to a point), and I need to take that energy and sink it all into intentional time with my twins, hubby, and my business, J. Scott Events. It seems like there is so much buzz around “status” these days or comparing and dissecting people’s lives that I don’t remember seeing when I was a little girl. (It might just be all the technology, but anywayssssss… It makes things harder to be your biggest cheerleader and to not get down on yourself when the season of life you are in looks a little different from what others are blasting all over social media. (Don’t let it overwhelm you!) Ok, that might be a little dramatic but you get what I’m trying to say don’t you? We are moms of multiples! That alone makes you a SUPERWOMAN! Don’t forget it, sister!!

Here are a few photos - for your enjoyment - of me in my earlier days of trying to get my business off the ground... and some of the craziness with the struggle of being a working mom. Give yourself some grace no matter what you're working on or what season of life you're in. If only social media wasn't the BEST of everyone's lives, you would see a bit more of this: 


Instead of comparing yourself to other moms who seem to have it all together on social media (use the time you would be scanning the internet) try a few things I find helpful in my own life (for what it’s worth). This also ties into self love and my attempt at not burning out as a wedding planner, and honestly sometimes as a mamma. 

  1. If you are a coffee drinker, try drinking it in your first sitting so you don’t have to find it later on the counter. You know, because you forgot to drink it and got caught up helping one of your little people, or had to warm it up 5+ times in the microwave (that is typically me).
  2. Try putting your phone away at night and force that cutie hubby of yours to tell you about his day. You will be surprised to see where the conversation might lead. 
  3. I neglected my health for a long time because I got so tunnel-visioned on my business, as well as comparing myself to other moms. Don’t do this! I now try to hit the gym at least 4 times a week and so far I have never felt better.
  4. Put on some makeup and blow-dry that hair! (This always makes me feel like a super mamma and it’s sometimes just good for your soul to look hot walking around your house doing chores or sitting at your desk with no client meetings that day.) Believe me, I do not get all dolled up on a daily, but the days that I need a little extra mom power, I dress up for the occasion even if it means getting little less sleep (which I did not get much of the first year and a half of my twins' lives -- I am SURE you all can relate!! HA!) 
  5. Purchase your fav book on Amazon and go get in that bubble bath, sister! (Feel free to add all the Epsom salt you can get your hands on.) Take it from a book nerd!
  6. Keep your car clean. My car is my sanctuary. I like to keep it clean because in my mind... who wants to put on dirty socks? I find the same goes with my car. I want to get in it and not feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety or spot 1,000 colorful Fruit Loops in the back seat or the Mott's gummy bears my kids spit out (trust me, I have found many of those in the back seat of my highlander!). 
  7. Alexa…play spa music (Heaven on earth to my ears.) 
  8. Personally, I have the new book "Jesus Everyday" (devotional guide) and LOVE IT!! I try so hard to start my day by opening this book or whatever Bible study I am attempting to be 100% committed to at the time. It is hard to remember to do this, but I notice it makes so much of a difference to my day when I do.
  9. If you can budget it, take the kids to Chick-fil-A a or wherever and enjoy some fried yumminess while your kiddos play until they're ready for a nap! 

You are an incredible mom! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!

Author: Jessica Scott has 3-year-old twins, Adalia Reese and Emerson Scott. She works full time from her home office when she is not out meeting with brides and sipping on her 3rd bullet coffee of the day! She launched J. Scott Events  two in a half years ago and has loved getting to design and plan weddings for every type of couple! She is truly passionate about what she does. 


  • Thu, December 05, 2019 7:38 AM | Anonymous member
    Love this!! All good, solid advice, and TRUTH! Thanks for sharing those real-life photos - we all have those moments ♥️ I would love recommendations for some more of your favorite reads; I'm looking for my next good book
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    • Thu, December 05, 2019 8:49 AM | Deleted user
      Ash, anything Rachel Hollis at the moment (I have read many times!!)
      I am more than happy to send you a list of my most recent reads!!
      Link  •  Reply

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