Stacey Nelson
Hi, I'm Stacey! I have been a member of Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples for 3 years now, and this will be my second year on the board. I am so excited to be stepping into the President's role. I have found some amazing women through FWMoM and can’t wait to meet you and your family! A little about me is that I am an all BOY momma to three amazing kiddos (6,3,3,). Wife to Ryan, who is my biggest cheerleader in all things life! I love to travel, explore, and have social time together with and without my family! By day I am a Respiratory Therapist, (mainly NICU), and by night I run a small business!
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 Jennifer Hernandez
Vice President of Membership
My name is Jennifer Hernandez and I joined FWMoM right before I had my twin boys in March 2016. I’m a mother to 3 boys and 1 girl and I’ve been married for almost 13 years. I look forward to meeting new and old MoM’s and getting to know more of you ladies this year.
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Emma Peterson
Vice President of Programs/Chaplain
My name is Emma Peterson and this will be my second year on the board for FWMoM. I have been married to my amazing husband for 8 years. We have 4 amazing kids. Our oldest is 16 (boy), our middle is 8 (girl), and our twins are 4 (both girls). I look forward to making this year awesome for all!

Jennifer Yarbrough
Vice President of Programs
Hi, I'm Jennifer Yarbrough. Originally from New Jersey, came down from Chicago to go to school (Gig ‘Em!) and never left. I have younger twin brothers (whole new respect for my mother) and four boys (10,8,4,4) and a husband who handles it all.
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Linsey Conlogue
Vice President of Socials
Hi, my name is Linsey Conlogue! I joined FWMoM when we moved here from Seattle in the summer of 2021. I knew immediately I needed connection with people going through the same stage of life as me and who understood what having multiples was like. After 5+ years of infertility, through IVF we had our boy/girl twins who just turned 4. I also have a boy singleton who is 1.5 years old. I’ve been married for 13 years to my husband Sean. I couldn’t imagine navigating life with twins without him! I found this group and continue to be a part of it for the purpose of community and because they have fun social events. After being here for 3 years I am so excited to help contribute to the fun in making socials a memorable experience for all! We are going to have some fun mom events this year, you won’t want to miss out!
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Pamela Cortez Treasurer Hi, my name is Pam and this is my 3rd year serving as Treasurer. I married my high school sweetheart 21 years ago, and we have 3 AWESOME Rainbow babies: 8 year old boy, and 3 year old boy/girl twins. I am a stay at home mom, while obtaining a certification. I love being a HUGE part of FWMoM, and love supporting and connecting with moms who just get it!!!

Anna Curtis
Hello! I’m Anna Curtis, and I’m excited to serve as secretary & historian this year. My husband and I are lucky to have the coolest 2 year old triplets (Girl/Girl/Boy). During the day I work full time as an Abdominal Transplant Clinical Pharmacist. I joined FWMoM while pregnant with my trio, and it was the best decision! The women I’ve met through FWMoM have been an amazing source of friendship and support. I look forward to giving back and getting to know more MoMs this year- plus keeping us all organized and documenting our great year together.
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Jill Cathey
State Rep
Hi, I’m Jill. I joined FWMoM when I was pregnant with my twins in 2018. My husband, Marcus, and I have a 7 year old son (Jackson), and a 5 year old fraternal twin girls (Madison and Mackenzie). I’m a Labor and Delivery nurse and frequently recommend this group to my patients pregnant with multiples. I didn’t know this tribe of women existed and how much I needed them. These moms of multiples have given me so much life and support. I’m excited to give back by serving on the board this year!
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Courtnie Oritz
Special Events
I'm Courtnie Ortiz. I’m originally from right outside of Atlanta, Georgia and I’ve been in Texas for 11 years now. My husband is Nathan and we have twin girls that are 4. I am an Event Coordinator for the Fort Worth Sports Commission and I’m excited to serve in the Special Events role for FWMOM.

Lauren Risk
Sponsorship & Fundraising
I am Lauren Risk, and I am thrilled to continue collaborating with our sponsors this year. As a long-time member of Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples, I have seen firsthand how our incredible sponsors enable us to support and invest in mothers of multiples and their families. Beyond my volunteer work with FWMoM, I work in Finance and have three children: my oldest is a sophomore at the University of North Texas, and I have 6-year-old twins. The support I receive from FWMoM in raising my children is invaluable and I cherish the opportunities we have to give back to the community together.
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Kristy Flaim
Sponsorship & Fundraising
I am Kristy Flaim. I’m SO excited to help raise funds for our amazing non-profit. This will be my third year serving y’all on the board, second year of planning fundraisers so that we can support our moms and projects. My husband Nick and I are Detroit natives and moved here 7 years ago. We have slightly feral 4 year old boy/girl twins and their 2 year old “Baby” brother, who was our BIG surprise miracle baby. We battled with infertility, and had our twins at the beginning of the pandemic. I am confident that I would NOT be the mom I am today if it weren’t for the unity and support I feel being a part of FWMoM. Feel free to connect with me at meetings/playdates/ or anytime you see me!
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Gretchen Gilmer Community Service
Hi, I am Gretchen Gilmer, and I am very excited to take on Community Service this year. I have been a member of FWMoM for many years and community service events have always been something I looked forward to. I have been married for 14 years and have twin boys and two girls. Can’t wait to see you ladies at our events this year.
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Raisa Soares Playgroup Coordinator My name is Raisa Soares and I am a fairly new addition to FWMoM. I have been married to my husband Denzil for the last 4 years and we have 2 precious girls who are 2.5 years old. We’re originally from Mumbai, India. I came to Texas for my education, fell in love with Fort Worth, and decided this is where I wanted to be forever. I enjoy cooking, singing, and reading. I’m looking forward to meeting and getting to know you ladies this year!
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Heather Lewis
I am Heather Lewis and will be working in the capacity of the Publicity role. I joined FWMoM 2 years ago when my twins were 6 months old. I have boy/girl twins (Judah & Emberly). I am a single mom and work full time as an IT Product Owner for Finance. This year I want to bring clarity and consistency in our communication to our members of upcoming events. I would also like to bring awareness of our organization to the wider audience by recapping on past events.
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